VI PEEL in Lone Tree, CO
VI Peel treatments are designed to lift pigment, remove sun damage, alleviate acne and scarring, and fight fine lines and wrinkles. The painless medium-depth VI Peels are safe for all skin types and tones with results in as little as 7 days!
Concerns: Sun Damage
Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation (PIH) Excessive Oil
Acne with Hyperpigmentation
Acne Scarring
Adult Acne
Am I a good candidate for a vi peel?
Generally, the VI Peel is a safe and effective treatment for most. However, there are a few contraindications that disqualify you from receiving the VI Peel. Please note that the below list is not an extensive list, and we always recommend you consult with us before starting any new skincare regimen or treatment.
• Those who are pregnant or who are breastfeeding
• Those who have an aspirin, hydroquinone, or phenol allergy
• Those who have used oral isotretinoin (Accutane) within the past 6 months
• Those who have active cold sores, warts, open wounds, or history of herpes simplex
• Those who are undergoing chemotherapy and or radiation therapy within 6 months Those with a history of an autoimmune (i.e. Lupus) or liver disease/disorder, as well as, any condition that may weaken their immune system
Is VI PEEL safe for darker skin?
Yes! ALL VI Peel treatments are safe and effective for ALL skin tones. Inclusivity is central to our brand and mission, and all Vitality Institute products are created for and with skin of color in mind.
how many VI peels will I need?
Everyone’s skin is a little different, and the number of peels needed for desired results varies from person to person, and from skin condition to skin condition. While just a single peel will achieve significant skin rejuvenation (think less pigment, smoother skin texture, and brighter, glowier skin overall), in general, we recommend a series of 3-6 peels for optimal results.
how long will I peel for?
In general, you can expect to start peeling on or around day three and peel for about three to four days afterward. Each person’s peeling experience is a little different, and some may peel for more or fewer days, depending on the condition of the skin. If this is your first VI Peel, it’s also normal to peel for a longer period of time.
can I wear makeup after my vi peel?
After the VI Peel solution is applied to the skin, no makeup or any topical products can be applied for the first 4 hours, including sunscreen! At the 4 hour mark, you can apply makeup after you've completed the "Four Hour Post Treatment" steps.
can I workout after my vi peel?
You should refrain from exercising for 72-96 hours after receiving the VI Peel to prevent any blistering in the skin or Post Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation (PIH). If prone to PIH or with pigment damage/melasma it is suggested to refrain for the entire 7-day peeling process so as not to induce heat or inflammation in the skin that can lead to further damage.
does the vi peel burn?
The VI Peel does not burn! You may experience slight warmness and tingling in the beginning, but this should quickly subside. Besides the warmness and tingling, VI Peel treatments are virtually painless.